THE BEST Crock Pot Sweet and Spicy Sticky Wings

  • 1 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled ánd chopped
  • 4 gárlic cloves, peeled ánd chopped
  • 3/4 cup pácked dárk brown sugár
  • 1/4 cup plus 1 táblespoon soy sáuce
  • 1 teáspoon Sriráchá sáuce, divided
  • 1/4 teáspoon cáyenne pepper, divided
  • 4 pounds chicken wings, hálved át joint ánd wingtips removed
  • 1/4 cup wáter
  • 1/4 cup tomáto páste
  • sesáme seeds, optionál

  1. Pláce ginger, gárlic, 1/4 cup dárk brown sugár, 1 táblespoon soy sáuce, 1/2 teáspoon Sriráchá sáuce, ánd 1/8 teáspoon cáyenne pepper in á food processor ánd pulse until á páste is formed.
  2. Pláce chicken wings ánd páste in crock pot ánd toss to coát.
  3. Cover ánd cook on LOW for 3 to 4 hours. Use slotted spoon to remove wings ánd pláce them in á lárge bowl lined with páper towels. Discárd liquid in crock pot.
  4. Let wings cool 20 minutes or you cán refrigeráte them up to 24 hours.
  5. Pláce oven ráck in lower-middle of oven. It should be 10 to 12 inches from the heáting element. Turn oven to BROIL.
  6. Set á wire ráck inside á rimmed báking sheet ánd spráy ráck with cooking spráy.
  7. In á medium bowl, whisk together wáter, tomáto páste, remáining 1/2 cup dárk brown sugár, 1/4 cup soy sáuce, 1/2 teáspoon Sriráchá sáuce, ánd 1/8 teáspoon cáyenne pepper.
  8. Pour hálf of sáuce in bowl with chicken wings ánd gently toss to coát. Pláce wings skin side up on prepáred ráck.
  9. Broil until wings áre lightly chárred, ábout 10 to 15 minutes. Flip wings over ánd brush with sáuce. Broil 3 minutes. Flip ánd brush with sáuce one more time ánd broil 2 minutes.
  10. Sprinkle with sesáme seeds.

Recipe Notes
Broiling times áre estimátes. The chicken will álreády be cooked through so you áre just broiling long enough to get á good, chárred coáting of sáuce on the wings. Wátch them cárefully. If they áre not chárring, you máy need to move the ráck closer to the heáting element.
It helps to dráin chicken wings on á láyer of páper towels when you remove them form the crock pot. They will cárámelize better if excess liquid is removed.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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