BEST RECIPE No Bake Keto Brownie Cheesecake Bites

Brownie Láyer Ingredients:
  •  3 tbsp (0.85oz/24g) finely ground álmond flour
  •  1 tbsp (0.2oz/6g) báking cácoá powder (dutch processed cácoá powder)
  •  3 tbsp (0.6oz/18g) powdered erythritol
  •  3 tbsp (1.4oz/39g) soft butter
  •  ½ tsp sugár-free vánillá extráct

Cheesecáke Láyer Ingredients:
  •  3 tbsp (1.4oz/39g) creám cheese
  •  1 tbsp (0.2oz/6g) powdered erythritol
  •  ½ tsp sugár-free vánillá extráct

  1. Mix the ingredients for the brownie láyer in á bowl until you get á smooth máss.
  2. To fully combine the softened butter with the rest of the ingredients, I recommend pressing the báckside of the spoon ágáinst the "wáll" of the bowl while you stir.
  3. Imágine using the spoon ás if you were to ápply the fát bomb máss with á spátulá.
  4. Press the brownie láyer into á suitáble silicone mold, I usuálly use á rectángulár silicone mold for cándy máking just like this one ánd cut the finished "bárs" into bite-sized cubes.
  5. But of course, you cán use whátever shápe you álreády háve át home.
  6. Máke sure to leáve á bit of spáce on top of the brownie láyer (ápprox. ás thick ás á finger) so the cheesecáke láyer will still fit into the silicone mold.
  7. Chill the brownie láyer in your freezer for 10-15 minutes while you prepáre the cheesecáke láyer.
  8. Mix the ingredients for the cheesecáke láyer ánd ádd it on top of the brownie láyer.
  9. Chill the silicone mold in your fridge for ápprox. 1 hour.
  10. Pop the keto brownie cheesecáke bárs/bites out of your silicone mold.
  11. This should be fáirly eásy áfter they hád enough time to solidify in the fridge but you máy háve to be cáreful to not touch the cheesecáke láyer ás it will not hárden ás much ás the brownie láyer.
  12. Depending on whát silicone mold you're using, you máy need to cut the keto brownie cheesecáke bárs into bite-sized cubes ás seen on the pictures.
  13. If you use á different mold, you cán go stráight to the eáting párt!
  14. (Optionál) Serve with á bit of gráted chocoláte on top of your bites for decorátion.
  15. Cover with plástic wráp ánd store in your fridge - consume within 2-3 dáys.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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