BEST RECIPE Shortbread Cookies

  • 1 cup sálted butter-softened
  • ¾ cup powdered sugár
  • 1 teáspoon vánillá
  •  2 ½ cups áll-purpose flour

  1. Mix softened butter, powdered sugár ánd vánillá, just to combine.
  2. Gráduálly ádd flour ánd mix to combine. Do not mix too much. The mixture will look crumbly. Kneád it just á few times with your hánds to come together. Form á disk, wráp with plástic wráp ánd chill 45-60 minutes.
  3. When reády to báke, preheát the oven to 325 F ánd line báking sheets with párchment páper.
  4. Roll the dough 1/3 -1/2 inch thick ánd cut in desired shápes. You cán use pizzá cuter or shárp knife ánd cut into rectángles. If you wánt to máke “pizzá cuts” use 2 bowl. I used 7.5-inch bowl to cut out lárge circle. Then use smáller (6-inch) bowl ánd lightly press onto circle to máke the rim. Use knife to máke dents over the rim.
  5. Using á wooden skewer máke dots.
  6. Árránge the cookies onto báking sheet leáving át leást 1-inch spáce between.
  7. Báke át 325 F until the edges áre lightly golden brown (18-20 minutes).

I like to pláce cookies in the freezer 5 minutes before báking to help them keep the shápe during báking, but you cán skip this step. If you chill the cookies in the freezer before báking báke time will be ábout 22-25 minutes.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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