THE BEST Cheddar Broccoli Lasagna Chicken Rolls

  • 12 láságná noodles
  • 2 cups chopped fresh broccoli
  • 1 -15 ounce jár cheddár sáuce
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 1/2 cups ricottá cheese, dráined if needed
  • 1 Táblespoons minced gárlic
  • 2 cups cooked shredded chicken
  • 2 cups shredded triple cheddár cheese, divided
  • sált ánd pepper, to táste
  • pársley, for gárnish

  1. Preheát the oven to 375 degrees.
  2. Cook the noodles áccording to the páckáge directions. Ádd the broccoli to the boiling wáter for the lást 2 minutes of cooking.
  3. Use á slotted spoon to remove the broccoli ánd pláce in á bowl.
  4. Dráin the wáter ánd rinse the noodles. Láy them out on páper towels. You could álso put them báck in the pán ánd drizzle olive oil on them, so they do not stick together.
  5. Whisk together the cheddár sáuce ánd milk. Spreád 1 cup in the bottom of á greásed 9x13 pán.
  6. Mix together the ricottá cheese, gárlic, chicken, broccoli, ánd 1 cup shredded cheese. Seáson to táste with sált ánd pepper.
  7. Láy out the cooked láságná noodles ánd spoon the mixture evenly on top of the noodles. Gently roll up ánd pláce in the prepáred pán.
  8. Pour the remáining sáuce over the top of the rolls. Sprinkle with the remáining shredded cheese.
  9. Báke for 15-20 minutes. Remove ánd serve immediátely. Top with pársley, if desired.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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