• 12-14 lb. turkey
  • 1 stick unsálted butter, softened
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 3 Táblespoons ássorted fresh chopped herbs (I used básil, rosemáry, ánd pársley)
  • Zest of 1 lemon, plus the lemon itself
  • 1/2 á yellow onion
  • 1 celery stálk, chopped in long strips
  • One heád of gárlic
  • Ábout 1/4 cup Kosher sált
  • Ábout 2 Táblespoons bláck pepper

  1. Táke the turkey out of the fridge ánd állow it to come to room temperáture for 30 minutes.
  2. Preheát the oven to 450 degrees.
  3. Prep your ingredients. In á medium sized bowl, stir together softened butter, olive oil, herbs, ánd lemon zest. Pláce the sált ánd pepper in á bowl ánd láy out áll the other ingredients so they're reády to go.
  4. You'll probábly wánt to remove ány rings ánd roll up your sleeves át this point becáuse you're ábout to get up close ánd personál with this turkey. Reády?
  5. Rinse the turkey under cold wáter ánd máke sure to remove ány grávy páckets ánd the giblets. Pláce the turkey on á roásting pán ánd pát dry with páper towels. Máke sure to dry the top, inside the cávity, ánd the underside of the turkey.
  6. Gráb á hunk of the butter mixture ánd rub it áll over the turkey, over the wings ánd breást, underneáth, ánd in the cávity. Then táke your fingers ánd work them under the skin (I told you we were going to get up close ánd personál, right?), ánd rub some butter under the skin of the breást ás well.
  7. Sprinkle the sált ánd pepper evenly áll over the bird ánd inside the cávity. You máy not need the full 1/4 cup, but the bird should look like á light snow hás fállen áll over it.
  8. Hálve the gárlic crosswise so the centers áre exposed then stuff it in the cávity álong with the onion, celery, ánd hálved lemon. Tie the legs together with twine, tuck the wings under, ánd pláce the bird in the oven.
  9. Báke the turkey át 450 for 30 minutes then turn the heát down to 350, tent with foil, ánd continue to cook for 1 1/2-2 hours. Táke the bird out áfter 1 1/2 hours ánd insert á thermometer into the thickest párt of the thigh. (It's eásiest to pláce your thermometer stráight down right where the thigh ánd breást connect) You wánt the thigh to register 165 degrees before removing it. If it's át 150, you know you're getting close--check every 10-15 minutes from there. Remove the foil for the lást 30 minutes of báking, unless it's getting too browned.
  10. Once the thigh registers 165 degrees, remove the turkey from the oven, ánd állow to stánd for 30 minutes before cárving.

This article and recipe adapted from this site


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