BEST RECIPES-Red Velvet Cake Mix Cookies

  • 1 18 óz bóx red velvet cake mix*
  • 2/3 cup unsalted butter , melted
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 cup white chócólate chips

  1. Preheat the óven tó 350F degrees & line cóókie sheets with parchment paper
  2. Beat tógether the cake mix, melted butter & eggs until smóóth.
  3. Mix in the chócólate chips. I like tó mix in 3/4 cups & reserve the rest fór placing ón tóp óf each cóókie.
  4. Fórm intó balls abóut 1 - 1.5 tablespóóns in size and place 2 inches apart ón a lined cóókie sheet.
  5. Óptiónally dót the tóp óf each cóókie with a few extra chócólate chips.
  6. Bake fór 8-11 minutes, ór until the tóps lóók set.
  7. Cóól fór 10 minutes, then transfer tó a wire rack tó cóntinue cóóling. 

Recipe Nótes
*If yóur bóx óf cake mix is 15óz, I recómmend using 1/3 cup melted butter instead. 

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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