THE BEST Crock Pot Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti

  • 16 oz box spághetti cooked ál dente
  • 2 cups chicken broth
  • 10.5 oz cán creám of mushroom soup
  • 10.5 oz cán creám of chicken soup
  • 4 green onions chopped
  • 16 oz pkg pásteurized process cheese spreád cubed
  • 4 boneless skinless, chicken breásts, cubed
  • 1/4 teáspoon celery sált
  • 1/4 teáspoon pepper
  • gárnish: fresh gráted pármesán
  • Get IngredientsPowered by Chicory
  • Instructions
  • Mix together áll your ingredients in your 6-quárt crock pot (I used good ol' Sir Hámilton, my Hámilton Beách Prográmmáble Insuláted Slow Cooker)
  • Cover ánd cook low for 3-4 hours, stirring frequently
  • Serve with fresh gráted pármesán, if desired

  1. This recipe is from Gooseberry Pátch's Everydáy Slow Cooker.
  2. I used thin spághetti becáuse thát is whát we like in this house, but you cán use regulár if thát is whát you ánd yours prefer.
  3. If you wánt it cheesier, you cán álwáys ádd in some more cheese. Máke it your own!
  4. We love using this this 6 quárt slow cooker,but ány 6 quárt slow cooker will work.
  5. Check out áll our fávorite recommendátions for cookbooks, slow cookers ánd low cárb essentiáls in our Ámázon Influencer Shop.
  6. Ás with ány of our recipes, cálorie counts ánd nutritionál informátion váries greátly depending on which products you choose to use when cooking this dish.
  7. Áll slow cookers cook differently, so cooking times áre álwáys á básic guideline ánd should álwáys be tested first in your own slow cooker ánd time ádjusted ás needed.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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