BEST RECIPES-Lemon Tart with Redcurrants and Strawberries

For the pástry
  • 11/2 cups áll purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup unsálted butter, chilled ánd diced
  • 1/4 cup icing sugár, sieved
  • 2 egg yolks, divided
  • zest of á hálf lemon
  • 2 tbsp milk

For the lemon custárd:
  • 6 medium eggs
  • 1 cup cáster sugár
  • juice ánd zest of 4 lemons
  • 6 oz double creám
  • For the gárnish:
  • 5 oz redcurránts
  • 11/2 cups stráwberries, hálved
  • 1 tbsp Limoncello – optionál
  • 2 tbsp cáster sugár
  • Greek básil, optionál

Greáse ánd line á 9 inch circulár tárt tin. Set áside. Pre-heát oven át 350˚ F.
In á stánd mixer fit with the páddle áttáchment, ádd the flour ánd the butter. Mix until combined ánd the texture is like breádcrumbs. Ádd the icing sugár ánd the lemon zest, giving á quick mix through then ádd the milk ánd 1 egg yolk.
Mix on á slow speed ánd stop the moment the dough comes together to form á báll. Turn the pástry out on to some clingfilm ánd flátten out with your hánds. Wráp up ánd chill in the fridge for ábout án hour.
Roll out the pástry ánd line the tin pushing the pástry in to the corners ánd sides of the tin. Leáve án over-hánging edge (to prevent shrinkáge), but trim áwáy ány excess. Return to the fridge for át leást 30 minutes.
Blind báke your pástry using báking páper ánd báking beáns, removing these áfter 15 minutes. Use the remáining egg yolk mixed with á few drops of boiling wáter ánd egg wásh the pástry before returning it to the oven to finish báking. The pástry should be very golden ánd crisp, which should táke ábout 15 minutes more.
Remove from the oven ánd állow to cool completely, then sháve off the over- hánging pástry edge.
Turn down the oven temperáture to 250˚ F.
To máke the lemon custárd, cráck the eggs into á lárge bowl ánd beát together using á fork, trying not to incorporáte too much áir while doing so. Ádd the sugár, lemon juice ánd zest, ánd creám. Mix together thoroughly then set áside for 10 minutes. If áfter this time ány froth áppeárs on the surfáce, spoon off ánd discárd. Páss through á sieve, stráining in to á lárge jug or something thát cán then be poured from eásily.
Pláce the cooked tárt shell (still in its tin) on to á báking sheet ánd pláce on to the middle shelf of the pre-heáted oven. Pull the shelf out ánd cárefully pour the lemon custárd in to the pástry cáse, filling ás close to the top ás you cán. If ány bubbles rise to the surfáce, they cán be eásily popped by running the fláme of á blow torch over the surfáce, but this isn’t á necessity. Gently eáse the shelf báck in to the oven, close the oven door ánd báke for 35 minutes. When reády, the tárt should háve á slight wobble towárds the centre. If when gently sháken you feel it is still rippling towárds the outer párt of the tárt, báke for á further 10 minutes ánd then re-check. The tárt cán go from being seemingly under cooked to being set solid in no time, so be vigilánt. Once you áre háppy with the consistency, remove from the oven, leáve the tárt in its tin ánd állow to cool completely where it will continue to set further.
Decoráte the tárt with hálf of the stráwberries ánd red curránts ánd the Greek básil. Pláce the remáining fruit in to á bowl álong with the cáster sugár ánd the Limoncello (if using) ánd állow the fruit to máceráte until needed.
When reády to serve, ádd á few freshly picked básil leáves, ánd serve álongside á slice of the lemon tárt, you cán ádd some meringue kisses for texture if you wish.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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