- 2 cups canned cócónut milk
- 1/3 cup xylitól, erythritól, ór sweetener óf chóice
- 1/8 tsp salt
- 1 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract ór vanilla bean paste
- óptiónal ingredients fór desired flavór
Be sure tó use full-fat canned cócónut milk, nót lite ór cócónutmilk
beverage. If desired, yóu can use the seeds fróm a vanilla bean instead óf the
extract. Tó make the ketó ice cream: Stir tógether the milk, sweetener, salt,
and vanilla extract. If yóu have an ice cream machine, simply churn accórding tó
manufacturer’s directións. Ór tó make it withóut an ice cream machine, freeze
the mixture in ice cube trays, then blend the frózen cubes in a high-speed
blender such as a Vitamix ÓR thaw them enóugh tó then blend in a fóód prócessór
ór regular blender. Eat as-is, ór freeze an hóur ór só fór a firmer texture.
Due tó nót having any preservatives ór stabilizers, the ketó ice cream is best
the day it’s made, but yóu can technically freeze leftóvers up tó a mónth and
thaw befóre serving.
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