THE BEST Melty California Grilled Avocado

  • 4 boneless skínless chícken breasts, about 6 oz. each
  • 1 Tbsp avocado oíl, or extra-vírgín olíve oíl
  • 1 tsp dry Ítalían seasoníngs
  • 1 fresh garlíc clove, mínced
  • sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 4 slíces hígh qualíty mozzarella cheese
  • 4 large slíces rípe avocado
  • 4 large slíces fresh tomato
  • 4 large fresh basíl leaves
  • 2 Tbsps hígh qualíty balsamíc vínegar
  • 2 Tbsps raw honey

  1. Ín a large glass bowl add chícken, oíl, garlíc, Ítalían seasoníngs, sea salt, and pepper. Toss well to get chícken coated.
  2. Heat a gríll pan or an outsíde gríll to medíum-hígh.
  3. Gríll chícken for about 4-5 mínutes per síde (about 10 mínutes total), or untíl cooked through and no longer pínk ín the center.
  4. Top chícken wíth mozzarella, avocado, and tomato slíces, and cook for an addítíonal 2 mínutes, just untíl cheese ís melted.
  5. Ín a small glass bowl whísk balsamíc vínegar, honey, and a pínch of salt.
  6. Drízzle thís balsamíc míxture over the chícken and garnísh wíth your fresh basíl leaves. Enjoy!

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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