BEST RECIPES Lunchbox Turkey & Ham Skewers

  • 1 slice Sugardale Natural Uncured Smoked Ham
  • 1 slice Sugardale Natural Uncured Honey Turkey Breast
  • 1/2 c. red grapes
  • 1/2 c. green grapes
  • 1/2 c. cubed apples
  • 2 oz. cubed jack cheese

  1. Pre-cut wooden grilling skewers to fit into the size of your resealable lunchbox container.
  2. Cut ham and turkey slices into 1" strips. Fold accordion-style and slide onto the wooden skewers. Alternate with grapes, apples and cheese cubes.
  3. Keep cold (with a cold pack) in a lunchbox until ready to eat.

Depending on how large or small you make the skewers, you'll render approximately 3 medium skewers.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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