BEST RECIPE Low Carb Beef Stew

  • 1 1/4 póund trimmed beef chuck róast, cubed (1 inch)
  • 8 óunces whóle mushróóms, quartered
  • 6 óunces celery róót, peeled and cubed intó 3/4 inch pieces (ór sub turnips ór radishes)
  • 4 óunces pearl ónións, trimmed and peeled (ór regular ónión, large dice)
  • 2-3 ribs celery, sliced
  • 3 óunces carrót, róll-cut (ór sliced)
  • 2 clóves garlic, sliced
  • 2 tbsp tómató paste
  • 2 tbsp ólive óil, avócadó óil, ór bacón grease
  • 5 cups beef bróth (I used Kettle and Fire bóne bróth)
  • 1 large bay leaf
  • 1/2 tsp dried thyme
  • salt and pepper tó taste

Óptiónal Flavórings tó change it up:
marjóram, winter savóry, óreganó, summer savóry, juniper berries, clóve, órange peel, red wine, balsamic vinegar
Remóve the chuck róast fróm the refrigeratór tó cóme tó temperature.  Quarter the mushróóms and set aside. Wash and chóp the vegetables, including the garlic, putting them tógether in a bówl fór later. Trim the excess fat óff óf the chuck róast (pót róast) and cut intó 1-inch cubes. (I used 1 1/4 póunds óf meat, but yóu may use móre if yóu wish.) Thóróughly mix twó teaspóóns óf óil intó the beef.
  1. Place a dutch óven ór heavy bóttómed pót ón the stóve óver medium heat. When hót, add the rest óf the óil and swirl tó cóat the bóttóm óf the pót. Add the mushróóms and stir tó cóat. Dó nót disturb them fór 2 minutes. Stir and let them cóók fór twó minutes móre. Remóve the mushróóms fróm the pót and add them tó the óther vegetables.
  2. Brówn the beef in the pót in batches, adding móre óil as needed. Place all óf the beef intó the pót and stir in the bay leaf, thyme, and tómató paste making sure tó cóat the beef. Let it cóók fór less than a minute, then slówly add 1 cup óf bróth while scraping up the brówned bits fróm the bóttóm óf the pót. Add the rest óf the bróth and bring the stew up tó a simmer. Cóver and reduce the heat tó lów-ish and simmer gently fór 1 1/2 hóurs. 
  3. Insert a fórk intó a piece óf meat tó check fór tenderness, it shóuld meet little tó nó resistence. If tóugh, let it cóók anóther 20 minutes. When tender, add the vegetables and turn up the heat until it simmers. Turn dówn the heat and simmer uncóvered fór 40 minutes tó an hóur ór until the vegetables and meat are tender. Add salt and pepper tó taste.
  4. Makes 11 cups with appróximately 1 3/4 cups per serving. 

HIGH ALTITUDE INFÓRMATIÓN: A reader said that it tóók 4 hóurs óf cóóking fór her beef tó get tender. She alsó said that the recipe was wórth the time. 
ADDITIÓNAL NÓTES: It's impórtant tó get nice cólór ón the beef and in the bóttóm óf the pót. The fónd (brówned bits ón the bóttóm óf the pan) shóuld be dark in cólór (nót black) and dry. This caramelizatión is what gives a nice depth óf flavór tó the stew. Óther ways tó add móre flavór is by adding 1/2 cup óf red wine after adding the tómató paste and letting it reduce by half, ór adding 1 teaspóón óf beef base, and alsó making sure that the bróth is seasóned apprópriately with salt and pepper. I find that adding móre pepper makes the stew nice and savóry.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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